Boyfriend can’t make me cum and opposes toys


Let me start off by saying I love my boyfriend and I don’t want to leave him. We’ve been having sex for about a year now and the amount of times I’ve orgasmed with him is less than ten. In these instances that I’ve orgasmed with him, it’s him playing with my nipples and me grinding on him. I literally do all the work! I coulda done that by myself. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hot, but that’s the only way?! He doesn’t last long enough for me to get REAL sexual pleasure with vaginal sex. He has only initiated oral on me like three times and ALL the other times I had to ask him. I’ve asked him if there’s something wrong with my taste or smell but he swears on everything that’s not it. He says his neck starts to hurt. Girl 😐 But anyways a month ago I told him that I think it would be a good idea if I got a toy that we use during sex. He was very off put by that idea and kind of whined a little. So I said ok if you can’t make me consistently cum at least once every time we have sex, by our anniversary (in 3 months) I’m gonna get a vibrator. He reluctantly agreed and I could see him really trying for a good week and a half. Today, it’s been ab a month since we made that agreement and he came twice and wanted to go again a couple hours later. I really just looked at him with a blank face and said no thank you cause I knew he wasn’t going to do anything to get me wet at all. He is the type to go in dry if I agree to sex right then and there. I don’t know what to do now because I really am fed up. I feel like just bringing in the vibrator NOW whether he likes it or not but I don’t want to be petty or have bad communication. I’ve made him cum 7 times in the span of 4 hours and I consistently make him cum at least 2-3 times EVERYTIME. I love doing it but I’m getting tired atp. Someone give me guidance please