Delayed 3 Year a Old


I know all kids grow at their own rate. I know it’s not good to compare someone else’s kid to mine but I’m struggling. My sons friends speak full sentences. They are the same age, 2 months apart.

She can answer questions like what her name is, age, she’ll say “My favorite color is purple”

“ look there’s a airplane in the sky”

“I think that’s a great idea”

She talks and talks while my kid likes to whine more or says the same 10 short phrases (mama help, green go, red stop, daddy home.)

I ask his name and he doesn’t understand after trying to teach him. Counting has been a huge challenge.

I want my kid to be successful. I don’t want to ignore problems just based on kids growing at their own rate.

I try to teach him but I feel he has no attention span. It took me a few months to help him with shapes and colors. I try to get him to communicate better when it comes to asking for food or help, it usually end with him whining and throwing himself on the floor.

I’m not here for judgment. I don’t want to withhold things from my kid but I feel just giving him the things he wants is enabling the grunting over using words at this point.

I’m limiting TV time, I also am working at getting rid of dyes and other harmful ingredients to see if it helps. I need more advice though.


My son had a genetic mutation that can cause ADHD and other learning disabilities. I don’t know if problems could be related to that or just normal toddler behavior. I also have the mutation. I struggle to learn. I’d still like to push him so he can grow if he’s having the same issue