Help! Medical professionals.. Gestational sac and yolk sac at approx 4.5 weeks


Okay so I went to ADS for a virus and they offered to do an early scan. The tech said she wasn't allowed to give medical advice or tell me what she sees and I have to wait for a doctor to get scans back and then tell me. I get it but it's frustrating. I know my conception date so I know I was only 4w 4d approx +/- 1 day for fertilization. I snapped this photo quick of her screen as she left the room to let me change. This is a stomach scan. I have no idea what I'm looking at. But her notes said "1.7 cm meam diameter gestational sac and yolk sac present. Please help if you're a med professional only. No offense but I don't want guesses or opinions bc Google images and articles about sizes and weeks have given me a headache. Thanks in advance!