I need help determining positive opk from Wondfo dip strips

Hello!! I've been using Wondfo (Internet cheapies) opk's for the last 3 months to save money but I am having a hard time telling what would be positive. 
​I just took this now with 2nd morning urine and it's definitely a lot darker than the last 3 days (super light line) but it's not EXACTLY the same color as the control line. 
​Anyone know if this would count as positive? Thanks in advance for the insights! FYI I am on CD13 and this us month 7 of TTC my first. :) 
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I use these too and that's a positive OPK. Good luck!


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Yes love you are pregnant! Congratulations


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These are the same ones I use! The test line is the one closer to the max line, right? It looks very positive to me. The test line looks darker than the control line. Funny-- I got my positive on cd13 this month as well! Good luck!


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I use these test now for two months and both months I have had a positive. Mine has always went from darker then test line and the next day it will be as dark as. If it wasn't as dark as today for you then I'd test again tonight and in the morning. Also, tip...mine got darker or as dark after about 6-10 minutes instead of the 5 minutes. And according to reviews online this is the same for others as well.