A lot of obstacles....help me?

Savanna • Married November 29, 2013. TTC for 4 months.
Hi, I'm new here. Like I downloaded the app an hour ago new. I was just wondering if any of you were ttc after years of bc? Here's my background:
​At a very young age I got pregnant. Ar around 10 weeks I had a miscarriage, but never went to the doctor to take care of myself afterwards. I am now married and dh and I have been ttc for 3 months, but I just got off of all birth control and I have not had a period yet. I was on depo for 3 months then I got the implanon. After those 3 years were done I had the depo shots and then got nexplanon again. I only had the nexplanon (formerly implanon) for 2 months and had to have it removed because of large cysts on my ovaries. I also found out that I have HPV and that my cervix is very small. Dh and I were hoping for a BFP by thanksgiving, then by Christmas, then by New Years, and now we're just hoping for one at all. If any of you can can us advice. We would greatly appreciate it:)