Test date 23rd of January anyone else testing then?


I know it's ages away but trying to stay positive ;-) 
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Posted at
No good news from me! I literally just did a test, BFN AF is 17 days late but I don't think the tests lie... I am using out of date strip tests... I don't know if that effects much but it's still a BFN! I think I'm getting symptoms but then again they might just be my mind playing tricks in me! I'm exhausted my sense if smell is driving me insane! Not making me vomit but VERY queezy my nipples feel like someone has nipple crippled me constantly for a month and every time I brush past something or my bra rubs a little I get a burning stinging sensation, I have back pain and I keep getting a weird fluttering where I would normally have period pain... Weird discharge.... But still BFNs! SO FRUSTRATING! If I'm not pg AF could come at least so we can try again as DH is home for 4 weeks and I've learnt so much through glow and the forums I want to try out! Baby dust to everyone else RANT OVER! Lol


Posted at
Thanks! So far nothing. Yesterday I had very light pink on the toilet paper but only once. I Had cramping at dinner but now nothing. It didn't feel like normal AF cramps. I'm sure I'm just reading into it.  F will probably come tomorrow. It's sucks now my cycle can range from cd29 to cd 36, possibly. 


Posted at
Good luck Georgia, Tiffany, Lindsay and Caroline? Any more news? Praying AF stays away for you! X


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Thanks! I guess I'll give it a couple more days & call the doctor if no AF of BFP still.


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Hi Caroline, it is possible to still be pg. you may have Oed late or your body is taking a while to produce detectable hcg. The wait is awful I know but as long as AF stays away, you have a chance. Good luck ✨✨x


Posted at
So AF was due the 21st & still no sign. My cycles range from 29 to 32 days, currently on cd35. Took test cd30 & CD35, BFN. I've never been this late. Been tracking since off BC in May 2013. Advice? Can I be pregnant with all these hpt bfn's?


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Same here. Af now two days late. What a pain!


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Ok so my period was due yesterday, tested in the afternoon not with FMU bfn. I would rather get my period so I can get it over with, why must AF torture me?!?!??!!??


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@ Georgia ...take that test. Tomorrow with fmu.  We are all here for u no matter the outcome.  Let us know please.  Best wishes.


Posted at
Hi all has anyone ever been too scared to take a test? AF is 6 days late ( which is unusual for me) and I cannot bring myself to do a test! I did one like 5 days early and got a bfn and I have no symptoms of anything at all.... Not pregnancy not period nothing but I just can't bring myself to test! I just keep thinking I'll got to the loo and AF will be staring at me... It's almost as if I just know I'll get AF.... Maybe I should go buy some good clearblue tests as I have some first response test strips you dunk into your pee and they're almost out of date... Which is clouding my judgement....