TTC w/ medical issues.

Courtney • First child beautiful son born 5/6/2015. Second son born 9/8/2016. Third son born 3/9/2018. Baby #4 heaven baby Sept 2018. Rainbow Twins due thanksgiving 2019!
 About 2 years ago I was dx with an inoperable noncancerous brain tumor that causes debilitating body pain, migraines, and possible blindness. I was extremely sick when I was first dx and have had 8 different brain surgeries/spine surgeries to get back to normal/comfortable living. 
​Here I am finally given the all clear to TTC and have been for 7m.  I've had extensive tests ran to ensure that I can conceive but about 3 months ago my tumor started causing some more health issues. I started losing vision in one of my eyes. My docs have done a great job of restoring the vision but very shortly after the temporary fix my vision has started fading more and more. 
​Anyone else facing TTC with major health issues? I know most people ask "if you are that sick then why try to have a child?" Well hopefully y'all understand that once you have that desire you can not ignore it. Plus my docs say its fine to have kids, I'm just stressing that I'll loose my vision before I get to see my child.