Is heavy vaginal discharge a sign of ovulation?

I haven't gotten over the ick factor of checking my CM
Tues and Wed last week, I had a couple of days of pretty heavy vaginal discharge, white-ish in color, very wet. Glow had predicted already that last week was my fertile week. 
​Then on Saturday, I decided to take my first OPK (Clear Blue Digital) for fun -- it came back negative, I assume bc ovulation had already passed, but Glow keeps updating its prediction thinking I haven't O'ed yet. I took a couple more OPKs in the following days, still negative. (And more of Glow pushing back my fertile week and predicted AF date.)
I don't track BBT successfully (I don't get 4 consecutive hours of sleep in my bed very often), so at this point the discharge is my only possible clue about when/whether I O'ed. Next month will be my first month TTC and I'll take the OPK digital test daily at that point. But meanwhile trying to learn more about my body. :)
​Thanks! Sorry such a long winding question.