Advice needed

So, this is my first post :) been on glow and actively TTC for 3 months. Im on CD 25 of a 30 day pretty regular cycle. Not sure when i ovulated, glow says 23/1, as we decided not to do OPKs just Yet. Been having sticky egg whitish constant CM for the last week. My AF is only due on 7 or 8 Feb and this morning i woke up to light flow, been reading up on implantation bleeding but this is looking like more than spotting, but its not my normal period either. Got a BFN this morning, not suprising. Been having lower back pain and not cramping exactly, more like twitching in my lower abdoman. This is definately to early for my AF, but not sure what else it could be? 
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It sounds like it may be an early AF but only time will tell. Hoping its just implantation spotting! Good luck!