Cycle buddy testing 12/2

Kelly • TTC #1 * 2years blocked tubes
My AF is meant to arrive on the 12th this month not sure if or when i ovulated as I was in Thailand and forgot my clearblue ovulation monitor i have had cramps in left side for 2days i threw up yesterday and have sore breasts but i always do have sore breasts anyone like to join me? 
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I'm going to test on the 12th if she doesn't show although I hate testing and seeing a negative!! I was going to go to las vagas last month but changed to Thailand as i thought the better weather would do me good i went with my fiance... It was amazing!! I'm just on my way to the hosp atm for hormone blood tests.. Hate needles! My partner is also going sat for a sperm count much to his frustration!!! I hope you get your BFP it would be great start to your trip!! I'm normally 28 day cyle but last month i was 31 so hopefully it's rectified itself we are also trying for our first xxx


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Hi Kelly - im due the 11th, we're close! Are you planning to test early? Your symptoms sound promising!!!​​What were you doing in Thailand? There for vacation?? I'm a travel nut, would love to visit there someday!​​I'm headed to Las Vegas next Monday so I know I'm testing before then. Maybe this Saturday, that would make me 11 DPO which is a pretty good time to test. ​​Yeaaaa can't wait ! Excited to see 2 lines this month! Btw it's our 8th month trying for baby #1 and I want 3 so need to get this thing started!!​​Good luck and fingers crossed for you!!