confused and concerned

i had a healthy girl in 2009 but subsequently in 2011 and 2012 i had 2 miscarriages. we have since been trying again but nothing has happened yet. i went as far as taking clomid back in november but do not consider going for any further <a href="">fertility treatment</a>.
​i had my period on christmas day which was lighter than normal, then some spotting and then a period on 26 jan which only lasted 2 days. 
​i don't know if i am driving myself crazy by thinking that there is a slight possibilty that i might be pregnant? i have been feeling exhausted, some nausea and recently a metallic taste in my mouth. all of these i experienced as symptoms during my first pregnancy. 
​i dare not take a test thinking that i should wait for my next period to give me a BFN.
​i just wanted to get it off my chest as i find it hard to discuss this with my husband. thank you for any support, advice or kind words anyone can give me.