Positive ?

Brittany • Mother to my little man . Wife to his wonderful daddy . 19 .
Sorry for the excessive posting . But I'm really trying to figure this out . I'm not sure when I ovulated . Glow said the 14th . I thought the 17th but then I got positive opks last week . I had cramping on the 28th and on the first . Now for the past couple of days I've had so much watery cm which for me is strange because of breast feeding I hardly have any, I've been feeling like my period is coming any minute but it hasn't . I don't know what to think ? Maybe I ovulated on the 28th . We did have sex just about everyday that I was getting the positive opks. I'm goin to get another opk just to test and see what the results are. But these are the results I recieved four days in a row .