My story...

Hi. My name is Alexa. I'm 20. And my husband is 23. We got married 11/10/12. He left for Afghanistan in December. He's in the army. He returned in September 2013. We decided it was time to start a family :) And I got off birth control in November. Jan 30th on my husbands birthday we got our bfp. We were both so shocked that we got pregnant so fast. Well feb 4., 5 short days later after telling my family and his family in a fun way. I ended up in the ER. My levels were at 4 meaning I had a miscarriage :( we were given the  go ahead to try right away sense my levels had dropped already. I got my first AF sense then on mar. 9... We are now going to try ovulation strips sense before it happened so fast we hadn't got in a routine. I also hadn't taken prenatals before trying but now I am. I'm a little concerned with the timing of Bding. My husband is a firefighter in the military so he is only home every 48 hours and I'm worried I will miss the window. I know this is a long post but I guess my main reason for posting it is after this all happened the only way I got through it is was knowing everything happens for a reason and i 100% believe that. I wish everyone luck and enjoy this process we will all be blessed when it's time :) thanks for reading!