Advice on periods...

Clare • Age 34, my husband and I have been TTC #1 since Jan 2014.
Hello there, I'm just wondering if anyone can shed some light on my situation. I've always had heavy periods and cramping but since stopping birth control pill a few years ago things have gone to a whole new level! 
​I get pain starting pretty much from ovulation right through to after my period ends. I also get spotting starting a few days before AF and the pain at times during my period is extreme! I can handle heavy cramping but this is severe. It seems to be getting worse every month. I also have other symptoms like itchy bb's, painful thighs and groin area, and lower back pain. Some months I'm convinced I'm pregnant! I fall for it every time :-( Anyway, I was at my GP about this a couple of months ago and it didn't go well. She basically gave me a leaflet on heavy periods and a prescription for an acid to lessen bleeding!
 I really don't want to take medication I just want to know what's going on! I don't think this is normal, it just doesn't feel right for me. I go back to another GP on Friday so hopefully this visit goes better, but in the meantime can anyone offer any advice on what these symptoms could be and if this is perhaps just a normal part of getting a wee bit older? I'm 34!  Thanks for reading if you got this far :-/