Low sperm count. Anyone have any luck?

Hi! My husband and I are on our fifth cycle of ttc. I am now in the dreaded tww. At the beginning of this cycle we had a sperm analysis done. I know it was kind if early for this but we suspected that he would have low considering he has an undecended testicle. I was prepared to hear the worst. I called to get the results and the receptionist said well he is 19. I was like 19 what?  Just 19? 1900? 19 million?  So she said she would have the doctor call me. Well it was 19 million so I was like yay not that bad. But everything else was great, the quality and mobility. Then the doc said thats really bad and prob why I haven't conceived yet.  I thought I was prepared but this just broke my heart.  He said anything under 20 million was low. This made me confused because it's just one million less. How can it be that bad?  
​So to sum up my story has anyone else had success with a low sperm count?  I could use some encouragement. The doctor keeps pushing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. But we are not ready for that at this point. 
​All advise is appreciated. Thanks so much.