Odd CD 1 Possible TMI

Short intro. I suspect I have endo, though I haven't had it confirmed. I have a lot of the symptoms of endo, and it runs in my family. I got off the pill in November and proceded to have a 45 day cycle. Seriously, I picked up HPTs to make sure I wasn't expecting. Since then, I have had a day or 2 of spotting before AF arrives proper. AF usually arrives early morning and is pretty heavy with cramps and backache for a couple of days then trails off to medium, light and spotting. It takes 7 days, and Aside from that first month, I've kept a 28-30 day cycle.
​This month,  I had the regular back ache when I woke up, started cramping and spotting mid morning, and went to a light flow in the afternoon. I can't think of any major changes I've made to diet in the past month. The cramps are still there and as bad as ever, if not worse.
​Has anyone else had a change in their period like this from one month to the next after coming off BC? Should I be seeing this as a good sign, or be calling the doctor? I don't want to panic, but it's a little scary when my cycle changes in what seems like a drastic way to me.