Help! Anyone with cramping and spotting after BFP?!

hailey • TTC after a 9 wk mc in 2013 - been with DH x 7 yrs - just found out we are pregnant on 4/1! Be sticky baby!!!! ❤❤❤
I'm 15 DPO and AF due today.  I honestly feel like she is on her way.  Had some light spotting last night and today.  I've retested like a crazy woman but haven't noticed it getting darker.  I think I'm losing my little bean already!  :((.  Help!
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Posted at
It's pretty dark now... Have you gotten a blood test?


Posted at
If it makes you feel any comfort at all, I also spotted brown and sometimes​bright red blood (just a little- maybe two quarters worth) in early pregnancy and my beautiful, healthy son is now 13 months old:) try to remain calm and trust all will be well. If you are meant to have this child, you absolutely will. Blessings to you!


hailey • Apr 4, 2014
Wishing and hoping and praying


hailey • Apr 4, 2014
Thank you talia! Yes it certainly makes me feel better that there's a possibility!! Bhcg was 248, repeating tomorrow.


Posted at
I spotted brown discharge for 4 days! Old blood


hailey • Apr 4, 2014
Yes it looks just like that! What did your dr say about it? Any cramps?


Posted at
Call ur doc! 


Posted at
Thanks ladies.  I called my doctor and they said early pregnancy spotting can be normal.  Its dark not bright red.  Just had hcg blood test done but prob won't know answer until tomorrow.  This is nerve-wracking!!  


Y • Apr 6, 2014
Oh that's good!! Yay


hailey • Apr 6, 2014
Hi Y! Doing much better now! My beta went from 248 to 462 in two days so I'm happy. Cramping and spotting much less!


Y • Apr 5, 2014
Hailey, how are you? I just saw this post and I think we interacted on another post