adhd? when to seek advice

Kayren • 3 kids♡ 1 mc ♥ ttc #4 :)
My son is very intelligent and started speaking very well at a young age. My son is very hyper, aggressive and angry for no reason. He is touchy, constantly touching everything and everyone. He gets frustrated very easily and acts out in anyway he can. I don't think he realizes how strong he is he is physical with my other children and sometimes myself. He doesn't sit still for long and prefers rough play almost all the time. He even tends to try to hurt himself. In the past month hes started eating his shirt and puts his fingers in his mouth. He sometimes get depressed for no reason and will begin crying out of nowhere and sometimes he will begin to laugh for no apparent reason. He tends to be very loud and will scream or shout out things at inappropriate times for no apparent reason. He is a very loving child and enjoys playing with other kids but sometimes, well most of the time kids have a hard time being around him because of the way he acts. He struggles to sit still. Destroys things. At nursery he flits from area to area never in one place for long. He preferes physical activities like riding a bike than reading a book.