Hypochondriac Glow...

Dear Glow.
​No, three days of light cramping, of which some definitely was related to constipation, does NOT mean that I may have endometriosis. 
Worrying that mild symptoms may mean something serious points towards hypochondria, and in this case hypochondria by proxy. 
​Yup. I'm irritated. 
​My suggested treatment would be for you to take a chill pill and focus on health, not illness. 
​Please spread more understanding and less worry. 
​And please don't remind me to do a breast exam during my period. Actually, don't remind me to do a breast exam at all. There is very little evidence to actually support breast self examination and they stopped advising people to do it in Europe almost 10 years ago. 
​But please do teach your readers more about what normal breasts feel and act like, and encourage to get familiar with their own bodies.
​Please stop advocating a sort of 'control health' because it's a myth. Please do advocate how amazing the female body is, and how to take care of ourselves in a healthy way. 
​I spend my day trying to make myself redundant. 
​Just a  GP registrar without endometriosis