Period after the patch?

I started the patch in jun 2014 and used it until the beginning of August since it really made my legs hurt.  On August 7 I started what I though was my period until the 11th.It got super heavy for a day or two then for light and stopped.  About a 2 weeks later I started having some pains in my left side so i took some ovulation test but couldn't figure out if they were postitve or not until, so my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex ( since I didn't think I was ovulating) but notice a few days later that the darker test were postitve not negitive. So I took plan b which was 2 days later. But read that if you ovulated before or during taking plan b it won't work..  So now it's 3 days before I'm suppose to start my period and I have awful Nausea and bloating and I'm so hungry and have awful gas and have actually got sick 2 times. I took two pregnancy test already and both came back negitive. Could I be pregant or could all this be from stoping my patch and taking plan b?