My story!

Ok so I am absolutely freaking out! I just found out I was pregnant from taking a hpt, 3 out of 3 were instantly positive!! I had a misscarriage at 13 weeks, the next month I got pregnant again and had a successful boy that is now 4 almost 5. My SO and I have left everything up to God for the last almost 3 years. In those 3 years I have had 3 more miscarriages, all before 6 weeks. I am still in shock that I am pregnant and am working on getting to a dr asap! I just have SO many fears and doubts that my body won't allow it and my nerves are just fried! I want this so bad and I just want to be excited and happy so that's what I'm focusing on! Only a handful of people know and I haven't told my family yet because I want to wait to be sure. Any encouragement is highly appreciated! I am ready to embrace the amazing feelings and I am so grateful and thankful!