Teens ttc?


To start off I honestly don't think anyone has the right to judge any teen that is ttc. I personally am a teen ttc, not for attention, not to trap my bf or anything like that! I haven't ran into many teens ttc on here and I know that there is a lot of them.

If your brave, share your story bellow...

Here is mine!...

I am 15 years old soon to be 16. I first got my period 12 days after my 12th birthday ironic that my birthday is on the 12th lol but anyways for a year and a half my periods were regular, then they stopped coming. On my 14th birthday I found out I have pcos (it runs in my family) worried that my dream of being a mother was coming to end I started to think about ttc.

I found myself an amazing boyfriend who I could tell anything too, I told him how I was upset about this and never asked him if he wanted to ttc after being together for so long...instead he asked me if I truly want to start a family and I told him I do and he said then let's try. Since then we have tried for over a year and no luck.

Ttc is stressful, we both have a job and have saved up our money together. So far I have had 4 periods in the past year, I talked to my doctor about different ways to start my periods going regularly again (without telling her I'm ttc) & and being so close minded she said the only thing I can think of is trying birth control, 2 months ago I was on the nuvaring for a month and hated it!!! This month I am off it and so far only got one positive opk but my cervix had been low and firm and I've has a ton of creamy cm, I did manage to bd but no sperm can live in that junk! Does anyone have any advice, medications I could ask my doctor about?

Again if your a teen ttc and brave share your story!:)