Sarah's journey to glow

Hi. I have been ttc for roughly 5 years. I have been tested and everything is considered "normal". Doctors call it "bad timing" or unexplained infertility. I have read the books and prayed. I don't think about it for months, yet nothing. I tried preseed and my husband is fine, he was checked when I did my testing. People say it's anxiety and stress but every other month I can tell when my body is ovulating and I have all the different phases of cervical mucus. Something doesn't stick. At times, I think my luteal phase is short or I ovulate later in my cycle. The fertilized egg doesn't have enough time to implant. I think there are times when I have had a very early miscarriage bc I will bleed for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. All I know is, I'm not getting any younger and neither is my husband..will there ever be a baby in my future or has the last 5 years just been a bunch of mind games and wishful thinking..