Looking for a cycle buddy..

Michelle • TTC our first baby!!
AF is due 20th September. Due to ovulate tomorrow or Monday. Looking for someone who can share my nerves, hopes and dreams that this is our month. 
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Posted at
Fertile this week...hopping for the best. 


Ming • Sep 9, 2014
Good luck!


Posted at
I thought I missed my OD... We had what I thought was a peak on Sunday, which we missed due to commitments.. But got a pos OPK last night!! Yay!! Gee I hope this is the month.. Would love to catch a break!! Happy bd-ing ladies!! 


Michelle • Sep 18, 2014
Hope she stays away, and keep me updated!!


Megan • Sep 18, 2014
But I'm not out till AF shows :)


Megan • Sep 18, 2014
That's great to hear! My temps are still up as well! Just a few more days. I tested this morning and got a negative


Posted at
I think I'm around the same timeframe as you!  I o'd yesterday and AF is due the 19th :). I've been TTC since April and I have PCOS. 


Megan • Sep 7, 2014
I am ovulating.


Megan • Sep 7, 2014
Get a game plan as far as meds as I've been trying since April. PCOS makes it difficult to ovulate but all my signs say


Megan • Sep 7, 2014
Days each month for the last 2 months. We are going with cation that I PCOS and I'm waiting for a call back from gyn to


Posted at
Any takers? 


Posted at
AF showed up this morning so I'm out :(  but at least she was on time so no stressing out for days. 


Megan • Sep 22, 2014
Job so that always stressful. And my mentor is retiring so that's adding to the stress. But things are looking up!


Megan • Sep 22, 2014
Thanks! Things are getting better. My gram had heart surgery and we had a lot of family drama. I might be getting a new


Michelle • Sep 22, 2014
Sorry to hear! Let me know if you want to chat.


Posted at
​​I was pergo, and miss carried the first. I have to wait three months but I would love to talk michelle 


Liz • Sep 21, 2014
Ok, better these ty for asking


Michelle • Sep 20, 2014
Sorry Liz, just saw this. How are u doing?


Posted at
Hi! My AF due 21st and I'm also supposed to ovulate tomorrow according to Glow and it's looking like that on my opk. How many months have you been ttc? This is 4 for me. 


Liz • Sep 9, 2014
We are on month three.


Posted at
I hope you all are having a great day!  It's been raining cats and dogs here but other than that it was a good day. Just counting the day during this tww. 


Megan • Sep 8, 2014
I know the feeling. Luckily I'm so busy with work and taking a grad class so I can keep occupied but it is so tempting!


Ming • Sep 8, 2014
It's the worst isn't it? I'm only 1dpo and I'm already itching to take take a test. So ridiculous.


Posted at
Hey ladies, been 29 months TTC for me. Got a + OPK this morning, so time is of the essence. Are you trying anything different this month.. OPKs? Smep? 


Megan • Sep 7, 2014
I order it from the uk. It's organic and they have stuff for vaginal health to use when you're not fertile. We love it!


Megan • Sep 7, 2014
I try to stuck with the SMEP but my cycle keeps moving on me so it a little tricky. I use yes baby which is like preseed


Michelle • Sep 7, 2014
It's a fertility friendly based lubricant. So nice to use.. It mimics EWCM.