Time to share your story!

Ju Nae`
I just wanted to share my story and get some feedback. I'm 27 and have been with my partner for 2 years. We want to have children, but I get nervous because I feel like we have a long road ahead of us. I know there is really no right time when TTC. I guess the biggest issue is money. I want to have money to spoil our child, and it seems like with hospital assistance they make it damn near impossible to have anything in your bank account. I would like to know how you ladies planned? Did you have a huge savings? Set aside a little bit each month, or just said eff it and are going to take your chances?! At this point I want a baby so bad that I will make it work, and in this day and age I will not limit myself to doing what I want because I don't think I will have enlightened money. How do you ladies feel about this?! Anyone feel like me?!