Still no BFP, feeling like a failure

My fiancé and I have been trying to concieve for six to eight months now as I still nothing. I have PCOS so I know my difficulties. This past month I had a weird period, had nausea, fatigue, and other early signs. My Doctor even said there was a chance so I got excited. Had an ultrasound and old work and it was negative. This time hurt a lot. I just turned 29 and my fiancé and I are so eager to start a family. I honestly had a good feeling this time, for once! I told him I was sorry I failed us again and he looked at me like I was crazy and said I was ridiculous. He said all it means is we keep playing until we score (love his humor and analogies) and that he loved me more than anything. I still feel like a failure as a woman. Everyone says that once the wedding is over and I'm not so stressed, it will happen. I love and hate that response. Sorry for the vent. Does anyone else feel like this? Opinions, thoughts, stories?