Nauseous and negative?

I stopped taking the pill September first, 6 months after my sun was born. He sleeps through the night and only nurses three times a day for about 30 minutes each feed. I haven't gotten my period and I feel so nauseous and am throwing up for about week now its come and gone. Ive taken multiple test that all say negative. Anyone else with a similar experience? What's going on with me right now? Help... I just want a positive test or my period so I at least know my system is working right....
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You probably won't start ovulating again until your son stops nursing, that's usually how our bodies are wired. Not always the case, but don't be worried if your period doesn't show up. I'd be more worried about being sick, though. It could be caused by going off the pill, or it could be stomach flu or something. More likely the pill though, I was nauseous for a while after going off the pill earlier this year.