Short luteal phase

I tend to start spotting on day 20 of my 27 day cycle. Does this mean I have a short luteal phase? Has anyone tried anything that works to extend their luteal phase? I've been taking 50mg's of b6 but it hasn't worked so far! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Thanks for the advice! Last time I spoke to my doctor about the spotting she completely dismissed me. She's going to refer me to a gynecologist but it could take up to 8 weeks to get an appointment. So frustrating! I'll let you know if I find out anything useful.


A • Sep 20, 2014
Thanks! Good luck and I hope the gyno is more helpful than your current doc


Posted at
I'd love to hear what the doc says to you Caz. I've got a slightly short LP and spotting this last cycle around 5 dpo. Took vitex for two cycles and all it did was delay my ovulation and then extend the LP by one day. Didn't make enough of a difference. So now I'm taking pregnancy prep. It also has vitex but it has other good stuff too. You could try vitex I've heard of it working for other people.