After over two years, two serious operations (costs and stage 4 endometriosis) and 1 IVF cycle I am ...

After over two years, two serious operations (costs and stage 4 endometriosis) and 1 <a href="">IVF</a> cycle I am over the moon to be pregnant! It feels very surreal. 
​I tried most natural ways to conceive from cutting out alcohol and caffeine (1 year) reflexology to acupuncture (amazing try it) to no avail. So this year we went to a fertility clinic to discuss my options. I really didn't want to do <a href="">IVF</a> because I felt like a failure. Silly i know...
​It may be expensive and very intense but I stayed healthy and continued my acupuncture. I listened and obeyed everything I was told to do.  Everything I did brought me to this. 
​So ladies do not give up. But at the same time don't keep doing the same thing if it isn't working. Try something else. And don't leave it too late for <a href="">IVF</a>.