Measured 5 wks 6 days, no yolk sac

Angel • Our first baby was born 5-5-15. We have a beautiful baby boy named Lukas <3
I had my first u/s yesterday. By my count I was 5 wks 5 days. They counted me as 5 wks 6 days. They said my gestational sac was measuring correctly but they didn't see anything in it. They told me that was normal and I have an appt in 2 wks but I keep seeing other ppl who are in the same week as me and there. Is clearly a yolk sac. Should I be worried?
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I had a scan at 5w3d and they saw a gestational sac but didn't mention a yolk sac. But they said it was normal, so I took them at their word (even though I was annoyed they didn't mention it when I saw everyone else on glow seemed to have been told about it!)&nbsp;​​Anyway, just had another ultrasound today (6w6d) and everything looks great! Saw the heartbeat!


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I just went through this last week! 5w4d and empty sac...went back 1 week later, baby n a yolk sac. Early scans do more scaring then anything i think. Good luck!&nbsp;


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I would say if they said its normal then you're probably good! &nbsp;I'm sure it's scary right now, but try to remember that they see sooo many people every day and have probably seen this a lot before.&nbsp;


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You will be find It's to early I had my first scan at 5 W 3D saw only the sac&nbsp;​Had my second scan yesterday 7W 4D saw bub Hurd and saw heartbeat&nbsp;​Think positive Hun :)&nbsp;&nbsp;