Monica's Story?


Hi everyone! I'm Monica. Not sure if I'm doing this right.

I just turned 26 yesterday, my husband and I are TTC. Period's due October 1, but I don't feel any pregnancy symptoms at all, so I think we'll be back to trying again next month.

I've had three early miscarriages so far, no successful pregnancies. My first mc was April 6, 2012 I was about 4.5 weeks. I got pregnant again in January of this year after four months of trying. We saw the heartbeat but baby was never measuring up right and I had trouble the whole time. I miscarried March 19 at about 10.5 weeks, but looked like baby died at about 7. We tried again right away and got pregnant in July, then miscarried August 7 at 4.5 weeks.

Basically my doctor I had through all three miscarriages was an ass. We finally switched doctors, and the new one ordered blood tests. I have a gene mutation that may or may not affect pregnancy so I'm on a supplement to correct that. We also recently sent in our DNA to 23andme to see of we can get any more information. It's a heck of a lot cheaper than genetic testing and we've already spent so much on medical this year from the two MCs and the testing.

Coming up October 11 is my due date from my middle pregnancy. It's been really hard dealing with I think especially cause we got the farthest with that one. :( I can't even talk to my sis-in-law who is due in one month. I just feel so sad and we want a baby so much. Trying is super stressful too, even when we try to have fun with it. I also feel like any pregnancy I have will just end in miscarriage. I know I need to stay positive, but it's really hard.

Aaaaannnd, basically that's my novel of a story (sorry if I bored your eyes off). We're just trying and waiting, so we'll see how it goes.