So frustrated who's with me? Or feeling any of the same way?

Melanie • Lost right now
My fiancé has been having to leave for the weekends ever since we started TTC and seems like I always get my BFP OPK his first night away than he's not back for three days :( he has 7 more after this weekend than he won't be leaving us anymore! I feel like deleting all my apps and data untill it's all over or maybe even for good! Just sick of disappointment and focusing so much on this! I think it's time to relax and just enjoy life even though hasn't been that long it's starting to consume my hole life. Also he's sayings it's putting a lot of oressure on him he wants to go back to just making love to me! I mean we've got pregnant 15 other times it should happen eventually :) and for now we can enjoy or BDing without the pressure