MTHFR Anyone else here have it?

A • Compound Hetero MTHFR. 5 MC. 1 ectopic

MTHFR is a genetic mutation that you get from your parents. There is 2 genes that it affects and 6 possible mutation combinations. Homozygous on each gene, heterozygous on each gene, conpound homo, and compound hetero. The compounds being the worst possible outcomes and most effected. Some possible problems are miscarriages, blood clots, infertility, downs, fibromyalgia, alzheimers, thyroid issues, vitamin difiency and so much more.

I am 23 years old and compound hetero. I have had three miscarriages and a blood clot in my shoulder. All with in the last 3.5 years.

The first miscarriage was a blood clot in the umbilical cord i only made it to 5 weeks.

MTHFR mutations makes it to where your body cannot break down folic acid and b12 along with some other vitamins and they build up in your system in the form of homocysteine which causes clots. You have to take the methyl versions of these vitamins. The vitamin deficiency caused my second to where the baby couldn't even form i just had the sac.

The third was 9, almost 10 weeks. It was a chromosomal error, kind of like downs, but one that could not sustain life. That's what the doc said but i feel that since downs is also linked to MTHFR that it could have been the culprit. **The picture is of this baby, it is the only one i have gotten to hear the heart beat during a viability scan.

When pregnant i have to take methyl vitamins and do daily shots in my tummy of blood thinners to prevent clots in the cord or in my body. Along with bi monthly blood tests to make sure my homocysteine levels stay down.

Ive had to fight for proper medical care dealing with my MTHFR.

The point is this is a hard subject and going through it makes you feel very alone or like you're a failure. Even with people around you being supportive. They're not the one actually carrying the baby and having their body sabotage their dreams.

Please share if your story if feel comfortable.