Could I be pregnant if I have any range of symptoms?

Heather • Mirena removed 11/11/14 conceived 12/28/14 birth 9/15/15 off oral control 3/31/17, conceived 4/22/17, birth?
Question: I only had it in for a second, I was on my period and ovulating at the same time. I was also standing on my head and haven't had my period for one day to about three weeks. I was only off birth control for an hour when this happened. I ran because I thought it might shake them up and they wouldn't be able to swim. 
​Answer:  if you had a penis inside your vagina without birth control and have missed your period and or are displaying any number of strange symptoms. Please dont ask if you are pregnant or could be. The answer is YES! You could be. Now walk to the nearest pharmacy, go to the women's health section, it's called a pregnancy test. Now what these do is they measure your hormones to see if you are pregnant. The good news is you can take them multiple times a couple of weeks apart. AMAZING! 
​Also, if you're a teenager and worried because you don't have money to buy one and now you're scared because you decided to be only a half adult. I suggest saving your lunch money, your allowance, and possibly obtaining a job. These are all things you'll have to do to prepare for a possible baby anyway so consider it mature preparation. Or you can even use your technically advanced online skills (I know you have them, because you made it to this forum to rant and rave.) to look up a health care clinic in your area for free! This is what adults do so if you're going to be one give it 100% effort.