Ttc but mixed signals with my body

Sami • Married to my soulmate(: mommy to 3 little beautiful boys. 3 year old, 1year old and a 4 month old💙💙💙👶👶👶
Hello friends! 
​My husband and I are ttc and it keeps feeling like a hit and miss with us. But I'm staying positive that god will bless us. But I just had a concern with my body. When I wake up I feel like I have to pee and I don't. But when I go to use the restroom there's a huge water puddle with some clear discharge in my underwear. I checked and it's not pee. My husband thinks it could be signs of pregnancy but idk. Has any one else experienced this ? Could you give me some advice or info on what it is bc we've researched it and came up with nothing.