
I have only beem ttc for 2 months now. I Stopped taking BC August 16th. I assuming my cycle started August 19th (since that is when I began to bleed, plus other AF symptoms where present) The first day of my cycle this month was September 16th. Since I am very new to TTC, I have read up on ovulation, checking cm at the time of ovulation, and cervix position. WELL, apparently these past few days I have been "fertile" (according to the app), and today I am supposed to be the most fertile. I have been checking my cm, and cervix position everyday and I have not had any of the egg white cm like I have read you are supposed to have. It might be because I may not have ovulated yet. But has anyone encountered this before?? As in the app saying you have ovulated, but not physically noticed a difference? The only symptom I have received are sore nipples which I ALWAYS get when AF is about to arrive. But that's not for another 2 weeks. I have read that sore nipple could be a sign of ovulation as well. I guess I am just just a bit confused.