I need answers plz. ....

My partner and I are not trying to consive for right now two months of relationship. I'm taking birth control pills and its nearly two months with it. I'm still taking them but on the 18 of this months I did take the pill but he didn't put protection so he ejeculate in side me. I've been having a lot of mood swings, cravings, nauseas, emotional, my breast are sometimes sore and I had light brown discharge. I'm still taking the pills and in oct. The 2 I will start with my period. So my questions are;
​Can you get pregnant even with the pill?
​When can I be able to take a home pregnancy test? or how can I find out?
​Why do I feel like this?
​Should I still take the pill until I go with the doctor?
​Please help me. I need answers. I don't know what to do....