Need advice on limited time in a great relationship. How do you deal?


My boyfriend has been working nights for a couple of months now and we hardly have any time to spend as a family.

A little back story so you understand why I'm having a tough time:

my boyfriend and I met six months ago. I was on the side of the road with car trouble when this big box truck pulled up and the driver offered assistance. He had my car running again in no time and was gone. A few days later I was at work setting up a sale counter for my department when a man approached me from behind and asked for help finding a remote controlled helicopter. It was him. He got my number and we have been together ever since.

He and I spent every waking moment together. If I had to work, he would bring me lunch so we could see each other. Of he had to work and I was off he would take me with him. He owns a 24 hour, on site diesel and auto repair business so I got to tag along quite often.

After literally 3 weeks we decided to move in together and made the leap. I have 2 children and they are just as taken with him as I am, and he is with them as well.

So a few months ago, I lost my job and the pressure was on. He decided that it would be easier if we shared the car and he worked. When we got a second vehicle then I would go back to work. Not long after, I was in an accident and my car was totalled. Anyway,

He took a great job almost 2 months ago and he is quickly climbing the ranks. Well the down side to it is that it is 2 hours away. That's 4 hours a day of just driving on top of working 8-12 hours (sometimes more) every day.


That leaves us with about an hour in the morning, when he gets home, While he gets ready for bed, and about an hour before he leaves at night.

I miss him terribly and he feels the same way. He is a great guy and wouldn't cheat, but sometimes I get a little paranoid thinking "he never sees me so why wouldn't he". It's just me being childish though.

What I am trying to figure out is: how can I, or we, make the best of our situation? We've been discussing moving closer to job and it is going to happen soon. But how can I get this gut wrenching feeling from missing him like crazy to ease up a little?