Complications with Ending Oral Contraceptives

Stephanie • 27; married; after 1 year TTC we got FAINT BFP 4/9.

I am moving into my 4th month without Birth Control after nearly 9 years. 1 month actively TTC baby 1. For the past 2 months I have had terrible chronic pelvic pain, heaviness, bloating, irregular bleeding. I have been blaming it on my cycles being unregulated by BC and it has not impacted my daily tasks.

But in the past 2 weeks symptoms have become more severe; adding pain and bleeding during intercourse. It is so painful I am unable to go about business as usual.

My family physician made me feel as if I was over reacting and just didn't remember what menstrual cramping was like! See the Gynecologist on Tuesday. I am overwhelmed with concern about my reproductive health. Anyone had a similar experience ceasing BC?