
So there is this guy I've been with for years and recently I've decided to make changes inife and he is one of them do I love him yes deeply but we just are not on one accord and we will never be!!! I say that im threw with him I moved out got my own place but we still find our way talking again ill go weeks without even thinking of him and then something slips and its like boom I tend to think its me as well because I REALLY DO WANNA BE DONE BUT I'M ADDICTED TO.HIM HE MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED BUT SEEING HIM SMILE AND HOW sweet he can be I fall back for it and then he is back in and Ted he has the BEST SEX ESPECIALLY HEAD I EVER HAD WHOOO BUT WHAT IS SOME ADVICE I CAN USE TO REALLY LEAVE IT ALONE AND YES HE IS OLDER THEH ME BY 14 years