I'm Chalese and I am 23 years old

I'm Chalese and I am 23 years old. My husband is 26 and we have been together since fall of 2008 and got married May of 2012. My husband and I were TTC for one month and this past weekend I got my BFP! Well, not just one, I did many tests (6), because I couldn't believe we conceived so fast.  I was 11dpo and with my mom for the weekend when I found out. We both cried!! It was hard because I wanted to share the news with my husband but wanted to wait to tell him in person. I only had to wait a day but it felt like a lifetime! He was so excited!! I called the Dr today and he estimates I am about 4 1/2weeks and scheduled me for my first appointment on November 7th. I am still in shock and can hardly contain muself. We are expecting our first baby in June 2015!