I love my hubby but…

Amber • SAHM to a beautiful, smart, energetic 2 year old boy and his newborn brother!!
I love my hubby but I am about to lose it!!! We have been together for almost 9 years and married for almost 5. Our son is going to be 2 in January and I am a full time SAHM. My hubby is a good dad, but I have to constantly ask him to do things. He doesn't just do them on his own. I am the one who does all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, errands, takes care of our son, etc. If our son gets up in the night, I am the one who stays up with him, never my hubby. I am 22 weeks pregnant with our second son, I am exhausted from staying up with our son every night since Friday night because he is sick with an ear infection, and hubby's opinion is that I can sleep in or take a nap when the toddler is napping. I have too much to do during the day to take a nap and days like today, our son didn't take a nap at all! Our son is more of an early riser and is usually awake by 7:00 or 7:30, so sleeping in is not an option, either. Ugh. I am just so frustrated at my hubby right now, I just needed to vent.