Is this the rebounding effect?

Fay • I`m a Scorpio. <3 I love knowledge, sex and everything that comes in between.
I got out of a +10 year relationship, and to keep from being lonely occasionally share moments with my best friend who has admitted to have loved me for awhile. 
I only feel guilt because...he's ( 
my ex) is still living w/ me. I feel as if I can't move on until he's gone. He's still here, and he's still a part of my life currently. (He's moving out within this month) 
Other than that, I love the moments spent away from home. It's really odd and uncomfortable for me to admit, but I can't get over how I feel when I'm with my best friend. I'm THINKING it's just the rebounding effect (I don't know) but it's like... 100% comfort. Like, since the feelings have been out there SOME things have gotten uncomfortable (like his jealousy thing) and other things have gotten intense. 
It's nice that we can talk about ANYTHING. He WANTS all these things for me that I wanted my ex to want. I can't be surprised that he notices things since he IS one if my best friends, right? 
And then there's the intimate moments. @.@ Is this what it's like with a Scorpio? (He and I are Scorpios). 
I've never felt like this when I've gotten intimate before. Minus the comfort factor he like....knows exactly what I want as if he's reading my mind. Doesn't expect me to do a thing. And I feel....internally appreciated.
Before, sex was sex. I've always felt a tad uncomfortable, but I figured that's just what sex does. It's very animalistic. Anyway, I've never liked my body. Never liked it during sex either. Being touched and grabbed felt kinda like, I'm being used for intended purposes. But that's just what happens. 
With him it's super WEIRD. I get all emotional and fuzzy feeling. And when he touches me I just want to be touched more. Always gentle, rarely rough. He kinda like...explores and appreciates. Makes me comfortable with myself (for that moment) and I actually for myself. (Like damn. I guess I can be beautiful). 
​Could this just be the rebounding effect?