Important Day For Mental Health Advocates Everywhere!

Mary • Hi! I`m Mary. I have a BA in Psychology. Been dealing with PCOS for 22 years. I work at Sander’s Candy and Ice Cream Shop and trying to get my head around this COVID craziness!
Today is World Mental Health Day! So today is extra incentive to take you or someone you know who is suffering from a mental illness to get the medical and therapeutic help they need. As many of us know first hand, mental illness is an illness like any other and what people with those types of illnesses need the most is care, understanding especially being told that most people with a mental illness aren't so sick that they lose touch with reality or don't know that they need help. Encouragement and not looks of pity, stares, or coddling is not needed. Who's crazy? Not you or any of us out there! 
​I'll also be posting on my blog about various topics in mental health and other issues on if you care to take a look.