An Urge or Habit with Even Those of Us With Mental Illness that No One Wants to Talk About

Mary • Hi! I`m Mary. I have a BA in Psychology. Been dealing with PCOS for 22 years. I work at Sander’s Candy and Ice Cream Shop and trying to get my head around this COVID craziness!
Since no one has yet posted this on our group, I thought I'd break the ice and talk about self harm. I'm not necessarily talking about suicidal thought and impulses either because most of us with mental illness "get" that as do most professionals in the field of mental health. I'm talking about cutting, burning, scratching, that urge to inflict self harm that not even those of us with mental illness seem to get. Although I've never reached the point where I've needed to inflict physical pain on myself, I've had urges to and I can tell you personally that no one wants to feel that. It's intrusive and uncomfortable and I'm not sure even medication can necessarily get rid of it. If you do self harm, therapy is probably going to have to be your new best friend. Think of it has an opportunity to reteach your brain how to deal with stress in other ways than inflicting damage on yourself. I'm no saint, and I have yet to talk to my therapist about this. I've been focused on getting my butt back to college and while obviously disturbing and unsettling for me has not been so bad as to have to work my day around it. 
​So don't be a chicken or stubborn like me if you struggle with this kind of thing. Mention it both to your psychiatrist and your therapist and together you can at least make plans to manage the impulses in a constructive way rather than resorting to pain to make it go away. 
​Happy Mental Health Everyone!