120 Days.

Emily • 23. Cis Female. Queer. Poly. Sex+.

That's how long I've been on a full blown period. As of June 17th, my period has been going through the high and low days but without a month break in between. Prior to this I didn't have my period of 3 months but that one had been normal for me. Heavy and lasting 10 days. I had one also at the beginning of January, the same way and between then and August of 2013, they were all 28 days apart on the dot. Since I was 13, my period would skip a month or two and be heavy and prolonged, assumedly because of my weight, so I was used to this and thought I was going back to "normal". That August was when I stopped taking a generic version of Loestrin because it made me sick and, come to find out, not any cheaper... I had been on it for 5 months with nothing for a year before. I also learned that generic brands can change ingredients from pill to pill, pack to pack without informing anyone. So I think that's why I'm messed up now. Unfortunately, I'm unemployed with no insurance and can't actually afford a visit to Planned Parenthood for a check up. My office was the one that screwed me with the pricing anyways (when I called the head office, that said that was unnormal and they are investigating) So I don't have anywhere to go.

Does anyone here have or has had a similar experience and how did it get fixed? I'm currently trying to use tampons as little as possible but pads aren't good either. Today, I'm going to try soft cups and maybe see if it was my PH this whole time.