How should I deal with this?

Katie • Wife. Sister. Cat lover.
Ok, it's a long story. 
​For the past year I've had to deal with my cousin cyberstalking and cyberharassing me. I'm 21 and she's 31. I've always been careful around her because I know how she is. (She even used coming down to my town to see me as a excuse to cheat on her husband. At that time I was 17 and she was 27.)
​She starting harassing me after I asked my sister about some really unrealistic claims and accusations my cousin had said about my sister and her boyfriend. (Which, in my eyes, there was nothing wrong with asking my sister. I'm extremely close with my sister.) At that time the harassing was unbearable. She would call me and my husband repeadily. She even wrote a script for her daughter to read and left a voicemail on my phone and my grandma got the same voicemail. During all the calls, it seemed like after my husband and I would block her number she would use someone else's phone to call with. We had a total of 10 blocked numbers by the end of that night. (She will also send threatening emails to me, and then tell my grandma and her other family in her town, that I'm the one sending mean things to her.) 
​It will be weeks in between times where she will start attacking me online. The sad thing is, is that it's through email because she isn't "allowed" to have any type of social media. I have blocked her number and various email accounts. (She will actually make new emails just to say something to me.) 
​I have told her to stop. My husband has. My parents. And even my grandma. I have even had to go as far as threatening to tell her husband about all the times she cheated on him. Nothing has stopped her. I don't respond to her, but she will keep sending things over and over. 
​I think the most horrible thing she said to me over this past year was that I was, and I quote, "a crazy retarded bitch who needed to be put on medication" she also attacked my husband in the same manner. (I was on abilify when I was 16 until last year. I've dealt with depression on and off my whole life, I was in therapy for 5 years, and I have high anxiety. She also has a son with adhd and other issues.) 
​I have looked into restraining orders and trying to get it to end, but she hasn't said anything else to me since mid September so should I pursue any legal action right now?