Is it wrong...

Just Me
I am so hung up on this guy who I've known for about 14 years. He was the love of my life in HS. I got married(w/someone else) and have two beautiful kids. I am now divorced since 2008. I've been seeing this guy off and on for about 3 years. I have STRONG feelings for him, Emotionally, physically and mentally, all that! We have the BEST SEXUAL CHEMISTRY!! It's insane. He doesn't want to be exclusive and it kills me! I know he has feelings for me but he tells me he can't make me happy. 
​Anyway, long story short, I have not been able to be with anyone else b/c of my feelings for this guy. If I do date, mess around, I feel like NO ONE compares to him! SEXUALLY, no comparison. My friends tell me I have to look passed the physical but how can I try and date other guys if I'm not physically attracted to them? I will admit I will not have sex with a "small guy" that wrong???