I need help

So ive been with this guy for three years now. He and i have had our ups and downs but we've always pulled theough together. Hes my first time and i dont know if im with him bc of that or bc i love him. He makes me smile and laugh and when i talk about him it just comes out as glittered vomit i enjoy it so much. Hes went off to bootcamp and weve never been apart more than 2 or 3 days and now its been 4 months. I cant tell if i actually love him. Im still young, i cant tell what it feels like, but when i think of him i get extremely happy, and then sad because i miss him terribly. Everything lines up to say i love him but i dont know if i feel it. Im so lost. What does love even feel like? How do you know when you have the right guy? Do i not know if i love him because i dont love him? Help!!