Snoring nightmare

Let me start by saying I love love LOVE my hubby very much and we have the most wonderful relationship imaginable. All is well and cool while we are awake but when the lights go down and it's time to sleep we are so incompatible it's crazy. How can I love someone so much and hate his guts when it's time to sleep? I have sleep issues already and they are compounded with his snoring. It keeps me awake most nights. When I cAn I sleep in another room. But then that takes me out the marriage bed. I've tried sleep aides and warm milk to get me to bed before him but as soon as he comes to bed I wake up. Between diaper changes at 3am and him calling home the bulldozers I'm thoroughly exhausted before it's time to get up and go again. What do you do when your man is an angel while awake and a loud ogre at night!!!